Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What a cutie...

"No one on her deathbed ever wished she had spent more time cleaning her house, and no one on her deathbed ever regretted spending too much time with her children."

Martha Sears from "25 Things Every Mother Should Know"

Just helps me to put things in perspective some days :)

New Furnace



We are now enjoying our new furnace. Kevin is sleeping more... When he wakes up in the morning he is so nice and warm that he turns over and goes back to sleep :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What an awesome day...

We had an awesome day at Grandma and Grandpa's house today. First Grandpa made me a BBQ steak and potato for lunch. Then Grandpa made us a batch of fresh bread. Grandma and I made homemade mac and cheese and two batches of pumpkin muffins. I even had a few minutes to sneak out and wash the Mazda 5. Wow!!! With three adults to occupy a baby alot can get accomplished without Mommy feeling exhausted. It was great!!!

Dolan and I are heading off soon. We are going to meet Tarina and we are going to pick up some handmade papers for her wedding invitations. Then we are going out for supper. I am going to suggest Bailey's. I haven't been there in a while but I do have a buy one get one free coupon. I do love my coupons!!

P.S. The picture of Dolan, Grandma and Archie is from Tuesday, not today...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Cute Outfits

Our little boy is growing so fast. We have received so many cute outfits, so when I is wearing one I have to take a picture because I am not sure if he will wear it again before he outgrows it!

This past week...

I haven't posted in a while because we have all been sick. First Kevin, then Dolan, then me... Not much fun around here. We have had the following symptoms: sore throat, sneezing, and a runny nose.

We have still been getting out and about. The picture is of Dolan and Lily-Anne from Friday. A friend and I took our babies to the attachment parenting meeting. My friend's baby is five weeks older than Dolan. The group have been great because I have met so many other local moms that I can chat with and meet with. We have a yahoo group so we can post questions and discussions.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Uncle Ryan

I love this photo because Dolan and Ryan are dressed in the same white shirt and jeans. Ryan has bought Dolan many baby outfits but this isn't one of them... hmmmm... interesting... Although Ryan did buy Dolan the socks he is wearing.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

This Thanksgiving we went to Rosetown for Earl and Jean's 60 Wedding Anniversary. Earl and Jean are Kevin's Great Aunt and Uncle. Dolan had a chance to meet his great aunt's who were all excited to see him. He even had some cuddles for cousin Dakota. He slept the whole way to Rosetown and enjoyed being passed from relative to relative.

Tonight Dolan went to go see his first movie. We went to see Rendition starring Reese Witherspoon. He slept through most of the movie and woke up twice for a snack.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Daddy and Dolan

Daddy and Dolan love to spend quality time together. It is the best way for mommy to post pictures of Dolan :) I love the second picture of Daddy holding Dolan in the football hold. It looks like they are going to score a touch down!!

A Visit With Grandma

Last Sunday Grandma Graham had a chance to visit with Dolan. Aunt Alanna, Uncle Andy and cousin Naomi also had a nice visit as they were traveling through to Fernie.

New Photos

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Silly Me...

P.S. I looked at the settings of my blog and changed it so that anyone can leave a comment. I didn't even know that was an option..

Magic Baby Hammock

Kevin completed the baby hammock for Dolan. The reason I call it the, "Magic Baby Hammock," is because Dolan sleeps so well in it. When he starts to stir the hammock bounces and moves and the movement lulls him back to sleep. A great bed for baby Dolan.