Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Yesterday we went to the Royal University Hospital for a slide show tour. A labour and delivery nurse showed us pictures of what will happen once we arrive at the hospital to have a baby. She started out talking about when to come to the hospital and what doors to enter and then showed us pictures of all four of the rooms that I will be in. Assessment room, room for early labour, delivery room and recovery room. I didn't realize that as a woman is giving birth in the hospital she has to move to so many different rooms??!!?? I just thought you went to the hospital and focused on having the baby not moving from room to room! How odd...

The second part of the evening was lead by an anesthesiologist. At RUH they have about 4,000 births each year. The anesthesiologist said that he does between 2,500 and 3,000 epidurals each year. I had no idea it was that common. On Monday I had false labour pains now I have a better idea of what I am getting myself into. I know false labour pains and the real thing will be different but before Monday I really didn't have a clue of what I would feel like when I go into labour.

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