Everyone has been asking us what Dolan needs. I hate to ask for anything because we have everything we need but I can understand why people would ask the question. I have come up with a list of things that we don't have or could use in the near future. Dolan is very lucky because he has received so much love from his Daddy, Mommy, Grandparents, Uncles, Friends, etc... We have received so much support and encouragement over the past week it has been wonderful. We are enjoying our time home with him and sharing him with others. I am glad we have this page so everyone can see how special he is.
O.K... here is that list I mentioned ...
* Boy clothes (3 months and larger)
* Snowsuit
* Gift certificate for a local scrapbook store (I just received my maternity photos and on Monday we go in for a newborn photo shoot. So I have lots of baby photos to scrapbook.)
* Nursing tops, size medium (or a gift certificate for a shop that sells them. I really am not sure where to purchase them but with all the nursing we are doing this would be appreciated.)
* Toys, rattles and such
* Baby gate (I know he is not crawling yet but this would be helpful now to keep the dogs separate from the baby.
* Play gym or play mat (something that the baby can lay underneath and play with)
* Thermometer
* Bumbo baby seat (I have heard that this is good for feeding as well and sitting up in)
* Receiving blankets and soft blankets
* Books (Board books and soft books. Can you believe that teacher mommy doesn't have any baby books yet! I can't...)
* Cloth diapers (We have enough newborn cloth diapers. I would love to try different brands. Motherease come highly recommended and are the same price as the ones you can buy at Sears. The one size are most economical because they can be used from 8 pounds up. Motherease diapers can be found at Cravings Maternity in Saskatoon or online at www.motherease.com)
* Swing (We have a second hand swing which works fine but is quite loud. I don't know if new swings are more quiet but if we did receive a new quiet swing I would donate our used one to a local women's shelter.)
I think that is a large enough list. We have already received some beautiful gifts:
Grandpa Graham gave us baby money. So far we bought a beautiful custom made sling.
Grandpa and Grandma Kun bought Dolan a dresser/change table combo.
Grandma Graham bought newborn outfits that actually fit Dolan.
Great Aunt Carol bought newborn outfits and a cloth diaper and cover.
Uncle Ryan got Dolan some brand name outfits. (Ryan... Everyone comments on the Old Navy hat... Everyone!)
Lorna and Jim got Dolan a super soft winter outfit.
Elaine and Bill bought us a baby monitor. Not only can we hear Dolan but Mommy can call to Daddy for help changing diapers...
Hmmm... I think that is everything so far but I really need to get off the computer and into the kitchen for supper so I hope I didn't miss anyone. Grandma Kun will be hosting the baby shower and when the date is set I will post it.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Grandma and Grandpa Graham
On Sunday Grandma Shirley Graham and Great Aunt Carol came to visit from Regina. Grandpa Don Graham also came to visit from the farm. This is Grandpa's second grandchild and first grandson. This is Grandma's fifth grandchild and second grandson. Her last grandson was born 23 years ago! Grandma Shirley had an exciting week because she had a new great-granddaughter (Poet Lily Rose LaFayette) born on Monday and new grandson (Dolan Graham LaFayette) born on Friday. The health nurse showed up to check up on Dolan so everyone went out for some shopping. Aunt Carol and Grandma bought some cute newborn outfits and Aunt Carol gave us some money to buy some cloth diapers (which we bought today). Aunt Carol came back with a whole shopping bag full of clothing. Dolan is sure going to be a spiffy looking fellow with all his new clothes.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
due date baby
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Yesterday I groomed Yogi. I wasn't sure if I was up to it but it went a lot better than I thought it would. I will have to get a picture and post it because he looks very different from the scruffy photos that I have already posted. He looks so delicate and tiny now, which is quite funny because those would be the last words that I would choose to describe Yogi. In fact my next door neighbour (who graciously offered to let the dogs out when we have to rush to the hospital and stay there a while) is scared of Yogi. He can be quite demanding and isn't afraid to stand up for himself.
I was surprised when I looked at my blog this morning that the poll worked!! I tried to add it yesterday and it said saving... saving... and then nothing. So I assumed it didn't work. Well it is pretty neat because now I can see that people are looking at my blog because almost no one leaves comments :( Quite a few people tell me that they are reading it so I am keeping it up and trying to add pictures as much as I can because I think that is what makes it interesting.
I was surprised when I looked at my blog this morning that the poll worked!! I tried to add it yesterday and it said saving... saving... and then nothing. So I assumed it didn't work. Well it is pretty neat because now I can see that people are looking at my blog because almost no one leaves comments :( Quite a few people tell me that they are reading it so I am keeping it up and trying to add pictures as much as I can because I think that is what makes it interesting.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Scrapbook on the Wall
Last fall a few Guiders got together at Pike Lake for a scrapbooking retreat. We arrived Friday evening and scrapped late into the night. We woke up early and scrapped all day Saturday. On Friday we did altered items (canvas, paint cans and mini albums) and on Saturday we worked on regular pages. This picture is of the canvas I completed that weekend. When I was at Pax Lodge in London, England, there were always girls coming and going. When someone was leaving they got to choose what they wanted to do for a leaving party. This is a picture from Nikki's (from South Africa) leaving party. We are in the tube station on our way to go bowling. My time at Pax Lodge was one of the best times of my life. I was far away from home experiencing other cultures and meeting new friends. I will always cherish the memories and friendships I made at Pax Lodge.
Scraptology Class
The baby is due on Friday!!! I can hardly wait... I am not the kind of person to sit around and watch t.v., so I decided to treat myself to a Scraptology class last night. I sent Leica an e-mail asking to register for the Elsie class. I thought she would think I was crazy for wanting to take a class just before my due date. But to my surprise her reply stated that she took a scrapbook class two days before her son was born! I guess people who scrapbook have more in common then we realize!
The two layouts that I posted are for baby pictures. I have booked a newborn photo session with a professional photographer (Melina Perron) and will have a CD with many gorgeous photos of our first baby. The layouts that we completed last night were in the style of scrapbook artist Elsie Flannigan. Her style is crazy and flamboyant. We painted the paper, used clay and scrapbook tiles, ribbons and buttons... It was lots of fun and I can't wait to add the baby photos to the pages.
Man's Best Friend
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Baby Shower
I am so happy.... Today was my last day at work. I enjoyed working for the Canadian Diabetes Association (www.diabetes.ca) and all the people in the Saskatoon office are great but I am ready to relax at home. I just want to sleep when I am tired and get up when I feel like it not when my alarm dictates. I am really hoping to have a week of rest until baby comes but you never know when these things happen. I realize that when the baby arrives I won't have much sleep time so I am really looking forward to the next week of rest and relaxation.
Quite a few people are asking when we will have a baby shower. My mother has volunteered to host it at her house. I am just going to wait to see how we are all feeling before we set a date. I think we have everything we need for the first few weeks. On facebook I posted pictures of some of the stuff we already have including a crib, swing, changing table, and an exersauser. We also have some newborn sleepers and blankets. Since we don't know if we will have a boy or girl we don't have any cute gender specific outfits yet.
We also have some newborn cloth diapers. We are excited to use cloth diapers with our little one. I have talked to many others about using them and read about them on the internet and everyone insists that it is not much work and quality diapers can prevent many of the blow-ups that disposables have. I am looking forward to using the Motherease one size diapers once the baby is a bit bigger. Information on these diapers can be found at:
I would also like to try some of the All in one Diapers. These diapers are more expensive but come with a cover. These can be viewed at:
I ordered the introductory offer so I can try one out but would love to get some more. I read somewhere that if you have 24 diapers you will do laundry every 2-3 days. The Motherease diapers can be purchase from the Motherease website (www.motherease.com) or in Saskatoon at Cravings Maternity and Baby Boutique (on 8th St.).
Quite a few people are asking when we will have a baby shower. My mother has volunteered to host it at her house. I am just going to wait to see how we are all feeling before we set a date. I think we have everything we need for the first few weeks. On facebook I posted pictures of some of the stuff we already have including a crib, swing, changing table, and an exersauser. We also have some newborn sleepers and blankets. Since we don't know if we will have a boy or girl we don't have any cute gender specific outfits yet.
We also have some newborn cloth diapers. We are excited to use cloth diapers with our little one. I have talked to many others about using them and read about them on the internet and everyone insists that it is not much work and quality diapers can prevent many of the blow-ups that disposables have. I am looking forward to using the Motherease one size diapers once the baby is a bit bigger. Information on these diapers can be found at:
I would also like to try some of the All in one Diapers. These diapers are more expensive but come with a cover. These can be viewed at:
I ordered the introductory offer so I can try one out but would love to get some more. I read somewhere that if you have 24 diapers you will do laundry every 2-3 days. The Motherease diapers can be purchase from the Motherease website (www.motherease.com) or in Saskatoon at Cravings Maternity and Baby Boutique (on 8th St.).
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Maternity Leave
My maternity leave starts on Wednesday!!! I am so excited and ready. I went tonight to visit Ryan and Wendy's baby. He was born on the 3rd of August. He is so tiny and it is hard to believe that I will be holding MY own baby in just a few short weeks.
2008 photo contest
So this year I entered four photos for the contest. The contest closes September 15. After this date they will hold a fundraising dinner and everyone who is there can vote for the photos they like the best. We attended the dinner last year and they had it at Poverino's and also held a silent auction. Here are the photos I entered for the 2008 calendar.

I really wanted to enter some photos of Archie this year but it is really hard to take photos of black dogs. If anyone has any hints or ideas I would appreciate it. I even tried an Archie photo shoot just to get a photo for the calendar but I had no success.
I really wanted to enter some photos of Archie this year but it is really hard to take photos of black dogs. If anyone has any hints or ideas I would appreciate it. I even tried an Archie photo shoot just to get a photo for the calendar but I had no success.
Photo contest
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Yesterday we went to the Royal University Hospital for a slide show tour. A labour and delivery nurse showed us pictures of what will happen once we arrive at the hospital to have a baby. She started out talking about when to come to the hospital and what doors to enter and then showed us pictures of all four of the rooms that I will be in. Assessment room, room for early labour, delivery room and recovery room. I didn't realize that as a woman is giving birth in the hospital she has to move to so many different rooms??!!?? I just thought you went to the hospital and focused on having the baby not moving from room to room! How odd...
The second part of the evening was lead by an anesthesiologist. At RUH they have about 4,000 births each year. The anesthesiologist said that he does between 2,500 and 3,000 epidurals each year. I had no idea it was that common. On Monday I had false labour pains now I have a better idea of what I am getting myself into. I know false labour pains and the real thing will be different but before Monday I really didn't have a clue of what I would feel like when I go into labour.
The second part of the evening was lead by an anesthesiologist. At RUH they have about 4,000 births each year. The anesthesiologist said that he does between 2,500 and 3,000 epidurals each year. I had no idea it was that common. On Monday I had false labour pains now I have a better idea of what I am getting myself into. I know false labour pains and the real thing will be different but before Monday I really didn't have a clue of what I would feel like when I go into labour.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
New Camera
Renovations continued...
While Kevin has been on holidays he has continued with renovations. He reinstalled the railing by the side door, replaced floor boards on the deck, finished the deck railing and started the backsplash in the kitchen. We were waiting for the mortar to dry so hopefully we will grout the tiles tomorrow.
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